What We Do
Holly Graves & Associates, Inc. (HGA), is a private educational firm specializing in treatment programs for the prevention and remediation of dyslexia and other language‐related problems.
Reading Intervention
We use Multisensory Structured Language Programs that have strong track records of clinical and classroom success. These programs include structured, explicit, systematic, cumulative instruction designed to promote understanding, memory, recall, and use of spoken and written language. They also have multiple components that focus on such areas of instruction as phonological skills, phonics and word analysis, spelling, word recognition and oral reading fluency, grammar and syntax, text comprehension, writing, and study skills. Read more about Intervention . . .
Depending on the age of the student, we can evaluate Word Recognition, Spelling, Oral Reading, Silent Reading, Writing, and other aspects of language acquisition and learning. Our availability to do testing is limited to assessment and bench-marking for instructional purposes – we DO NOT offer a full psycho-educational evaluation. We can refer you to a Licensed Psychologist for an evaluation. Read more about testing . . .
Executive Function
Our Clinicians are knowledgeable about working memory, executive function and ADHD. We are prepared to address issues with EF (Executive Function) in the context of Reading Intervention; note: we DO NOT offer stand-alone coaching for EF. Read more about Executive Function . . .